The Booger Pickin' Morons

We're not really morons, we just play one on TV. Ok, the TV part is not true. Take a little trip down a scary little road we like to call "the inside of my (our) head". We're like you, only maybe a little weirder. If nothing else, we can promise that you'll never know what might get said here... that's a real-deal promise.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Second Ten Questions Answers

Here you go:

1. What makes you laugh?
Minivans with “Sport” on them. Every time, man, it never fails! Hi-freakin’-larious.
My kids, my husband, my own stupidity (not necessarily in that order).

2. What's your favorite possession?
My wedding band. My grandmother’s wedding band. My ability to laugh at almost anything.

3. What superhuman power would you most want to have?

The one that lets me do things like cooking, cleaning, and folding laundry in hyper speed.

4. What did you want to be when you were little?

5. What's your motto?
Why can’t we all just get along??

6. What would you do with $1000 spare cash?
Put it towards a trip to Europe or the Caribbean or Cabo.

7. What's your simplest pleasure?
Just sitting on the couch with all three of my men reading a book or having a tickle fight.

8. What would your "I'd rather be . . . " bumper sticker say?
At Neyland Stadium watching the Vols WIN!!!

9. What's the craziest fashion trend you've ever followed?
Um, I have never been fashionable.

10. Would you rather be a little smarter or a little sexier?
Folks, I am already so much of both that perhaps I should lessen them both up a bit! It's almost dangerous as it is....


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